
Tmux terminal multiplexer

$ tmux # Creates a new session by default, and attaches you to it

$ echo $TMUX # This displays info used by tmux to figure out your session Creates a new window

$ ls -la # list all of the files in the current directory.

Go to previous window

Go to next window

<"> Split window horizontally

Cycle to other windows

<%> Split window horizontally

Select even horizontal layout

Select even vertical layout

Select main horizontal layout

Select main vertical layout

Select tiled layout

Zoom in on pane

$ hexdump -C < /dev/urandom | grep -i –color=force ‘ca fe’ | sed 1000q

<[> Enter copy mode

Page up

Page down

<:> Enter command mode

:set mode-keys vi

Page up in vi mode

Page down in vi mode

Half Page up in vi mode

Half down in vi mode

:set mode-keys emacs goes back to emacs mode. Choose whatever you prefer.

Zoom out on pane

Detach from session

$ tmux ls List tmux sessions

$ tmux new -s WEE Creates a new session named “WEE”

Detach again

$ tmux att -t 0 Attach now to the session we created earlier

Opens the “chooser-tree”

Go up one line

Go down one line

Go up to previous line

Go to next line

<?> Shows all of the bound hot keys in the form of tmux commands.

These writings represent my own personal views alone.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.