virtual box disk space 32 gb,memory 512 mb,set slackware iso as dvd option
use cfdisk and use dos for partition, main partition write and swap partition write
type setup
select target as main partition use dvd as source and start installing
format the partition
select ext4 as file system
select source install from slackware cd or dvd
select standard packages and full install
select boot manager as LILO and option simple
select standard as screen resolution
set UTF-8 text console as No
select LILO on MBR
select imps2 as mouse port
enter machine name
enter domain name
select network protocol DHCP
select startup services
select timezone
select window manager
set root password and reboot
If u want to configure further later
type netconfig
select dhcp if using virtualbox otherwise set static ip
type xorgsetup
simple menu driven configuration script that auto-detects most hardware
slackbuild link is
Download the SlackBuild archive of the application you wish to build and extract it in your build environment
gunzip and then tar -xvf
cd nodejs-bin
check the *.slackbuild for the version number and edit if needed
switch to root -> sudo su
chmod +x nodejs-bin.SlackBuild
this will create node package in /tmp directory
goto to tmp and run $installpkg pkgname
then check if node is present
$node -v
download and install sbopkg tar gz file using installpkg command
installpkg sbopkg.tgz
then use sudo sbopkg which will open the sbopkg browser
search for pkg say ranger add it to queue and then install from queue