After following the arch linux wiki install steps installed arch linux however had networking problems which were resolved as below
Assign a temporary static IP address in the console:
$ ip addr add broadcast dev em1
Then add your gateway IP address:
$ip route add default via
Then use pacman to download netctl
$ pacman -S netctl
$ sudo cp /etc/netctl/examples/ethernet-static /etc/netctl/enp0s3
Replace enp0s3 with your network card name.
Now, edit the network config file:
$ sudo nano /etc/netctl/enp0s3
Enter your IP address, Netmask, gateway, and DNS server details as shown below.
Description=A basic static ethernet connection
You must replace eth0 with your actual network card name (i.e enp0s3 in our case) in the above configuration file. Save and close the file.
Enable the network card to start automatically on every reboot with command:
$ sudo netctl enable enp0s3
Arch Bang Linux is a lightweight rolling release Linux distribution based on a minimal Arch Linux operating system with the Openbox window manager It is easier to install than Arch Linux due to the modified installer.
in /etc/pacman.conf add SigLevel = Never for core,extra and community to avoid some errors with key ring and then do pacman -Sy packagename
if mirror list in /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist is empty then populate it
ArchLabs Linux is another lightweight rolling release Linux distribution based on a minimal Arch Linux operating system with the Openbox window manager It is easier to install than Arch Linux due to the modified installer.